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In the business of future-proofing organizations and the workforce.
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For years, the OnePointFive Advisory has efficiently provided organizations with long-term sustainability solutions for real-world application. More recently, the OnePointFive Academy was added to provide immersive learning experiences, equipping the workforce with green skills for real-world application.
Now with two distinct audiences, OnePointFive needed a new identity. I was contracted to develop the Verbal Identity for the Brand Book.
Although OnePointFive was the only Advisory disrupting sustainability consulting by employing SWAT-team efficiency to future-proof organizations, it didn’t yet know how to communicate this unique value proposition. Similarly, it didn’t know how to verbally distinguish itself as the only Academy disrupting sustainability academia by providing individuals with the actionable advisory skillset needed to future-proof their careers.
OnePointFive’s brand vision, mission, and values were written only for organizations who hired the Advisory. With the addition of the Academy, messaging like this needed to be rewritten to speak to both audiences.
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I lead multiple brand strategy sessions, developed surveys, and interviewed respondents. This helped me write the Verbal Identity for the Brand Book, which immediately guided the Brand Designer, Copywriter, and Web Developer to transform the brand.
The Verbal Identity inspired OnePointFive to shift what it called itself – from consultancy to Advisory and from accelerator to Academy. It also helped OnePointFive realize it was in the business of future-proofing – providing solutions to organizations and skills to individuals – charting a viable pathway to keep global warming under 1.5°C.

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Guaranteed to build confidence in organizations and the workforce, OnePointFive walked away from this project with confidence in themselves – in communicating their product, purpose, and their positioning.
Collaboration with ilovecreatives Studio